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Cancollide is true for only one npc sword?

Asked by
Rdumb1 4
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

So I'm making a game with npc's using swords which has a damage script but doesn't actually attack, I have a cancollided shield which can block the damage script for a lil. In the first npc's sword handle, I put this script in the handle.

game.Workspace["Bandit"].Sword.Handle.CanCollide = true

Its works for 1 npc but when I put the same script on the second npc, the npc sword isn't cancollided.

And does this need to be a local script? I'm not really experienced with scripting. Rdumb1 4 — 6y
Are you copying that exact script into all of the other ones? blockmask 374 — 6y
Is your script currently a local script? User#24928 0 — 6y
nope. Just a normal script Rdumb1 4 — 6y
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the script is INSIDE the handle of the sword, correct? and its duplicated into every handle? User#24928 0 — 6y
ye the script is inside the handle, and its the same script on the second npc's sword handle. Rdumb1 4 — 6y
I now know (or think I know) whats wrong, I'll post my answer as an actual answer in a moment. User#24928 0 — 6y

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Answered by 6 years ago

You could giving the 'Bandits' different names such as 'bandit1' and 'bandit2'

Alternatively you could put the script in the handle, as you have, and use this code :

script.Parent.CanCollide = true

Basically it removes all the areas causing the problem, and also shortens the script a fair bit! I hope that this solves your problem ???

Thank you 2 for this! It works! Rdumb1 4 — 6y
you're very welcome ??? PoppyandNeivaarecute 134 — 6y

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