I am not very new to camera cutscenes, but I am new on "Camera Interpolation". What I'm trying to do is move the camera between two parts - no fancy rotations or whatever. for example: the camera slowly moving across the floor for dramatic effect. I've googled it, researched it, nothing. I came across a Roblox Wiki article about it, but when I try to modify it, it always starts from the center of the map and then goes backwards torwards part "1" .
What I've tried:
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable local tween = TweenService:Create( camera, TweenInfo.new(5, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, Enum.EasingDirection.In), { CFrame = game.Workspace.CutScene["1"].CFrame, Focus = game.Workspace.CutScene["2"].CFrame } ) tween:Play()
wiki: here