local LightPart = workspace.Park script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if LightPart:findFirstChild(LightPart.Name..'Light') then LightPart:findFirstChild(LightPart.Name..'Light'):Destroy() script.Parent.Text = 'Press to turn light on' else local light = Instance.new("PointLight", LightPart) light.Name = LightPart.Name..'Light' light.Range = 30 light.Color=Color3.new(27/255,160/255,189/255) script.Parent.Text = 'Press to turn light off' end end)
What do I need to edit to this to make it a Point light instead of a spot light and a different position eg, back,front,left. When I have tried it gliched he whole script and whatever is after the "else" stopped working.