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CFrame Presision

Asked by 10 years ago

When scripting, making new bricks and positioning them in a certain vector. The brick will either (if there is another brick in that position) will just move up over the position you wanted.

Is there a scripting method to preventing shifting positions when you make bricks.

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Answered by
jobro13 980 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

I don't completely understand your question, but I take that if you create a new brick and it intersects with another brick it will "spawn" on top of that brick.

You can fix this by using the following code:

part.CFrame =

This Position is just where you intended it to be (vector). This CFrame constructor (creator) makes a CFrame for you on that Position. It basically converts a vector to a CFrame.

Yeah thank you. The word i was looking for was spawn. ConnorVIII 448 — 10y

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