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Problems with saving/loading tables specific to the player. How do I sort my problem out?

Asked by 6 years ago


I have got a script in ServerScriptService and a local script in the PlayerGui. The server script saves and receives/gives information from/to the local script which tells the server if something has happened with the local parts that are cloned in.

My error is that when I save a table and load it, I can't loop through the table.

Saving in the server script:

1Datastore:SetAsync(collectiblesID, playerDS)

and loading:

1playerDS = Datastore:GetAsync(collectiblesID)

The variables are as follows:

1local Datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("TestDataStore")
2local storedData = {}
3local collectiblesID = player.UserId.."-cc"
4local playerDS = storedData[player.Name]

The main problem is, when looping through storedData using:

1for a,b in pairs(storedData) do
2    print(b)
3    return b

instead of printing whatever b is meant to be (a 1-3 digit combination depending on the playr's progress), it simply prints "table: 38E35AE8" (the 38E35AE8 changes every time).

If I can receive any help on this, thank you.

its because the value inside storedData is a table. can i see your table structure? Gey4Jesus69 2705 — 6y

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