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How to fireclient when a local player steps on a part?

Asked by
M9F 94
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

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So here’s the deal, I’m currently working on a GUI and I’m firing a client event when a player steps on a part in work space. At first I used FireAllClients() I very soon figured that it pops up the GUI on everyone’s screen. Is there anyway where I can make it where any player can step on the part and make it where the GUI pops only on the players screen who stepped on the part? Thanks. Below is the previous code.

GuiPop = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“GuiPopUp”)

      If hit.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”) then

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Well for this purpose, you can use a handy function of the Players service called GetPlayerFromCharacter().

This function, like this name suggests, it returns a player object when given a character value. This can be used as the first argument of the FireClient() function of the remote event.

Another thing to note is that lua is case sensitive, meaning that something like end has a different meaning than something like End, eNd, or END. It should always be clear that capitalization in the correct places matter, for example: if you tried to write an if statement like:

If x Then... end

It would error and neither If nor Then are written correctly, however, if I did

if x then ... end

it wouldn't error as if and then are correctly formatted keyword

With that said, the following can be done:

local GuiPop = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“GuiPopUp”)

    local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
    if plr then

Now, there is a slight problem with the code above,that being that it fires multiple times, as a character has multiple bodyparts can could be colliding with the part within a fraction of a second. That number being from 6 for R6 characters to 16 for R15 character.

An easy way to avert this would be to use a debounce.


local GuiPop = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“GuiPopUp”)
local PoppedPlayers = {}

    local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
    if plr and not PoppedPlayers[plr] then
        PoppedPlayers[plr] = true--or some other truthy value
        PoppedPlayers[plr] = nil 

Hopefully this helped you out!

The Touched event doesn't run a large amount of times because of multiple body parts. It runs that many times due to collisions happening multiple times per second. User#25115 0 — 5y
Thank you so much man, it worked! M9F 94 — 5y

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