How do fix messed up gui placement when transferring to a different size screen? I place the gui on my computer, but when I play on my cell phone, the placement is all wrong. How can I fix this?
Gui's have two position / size vectors, in the following table: {(0, 0), (0, 0)} the first number of each coordinate is the "Scale" UDim, and the second Coordinate is the "Offset" UDim.
If you want your gui to be in the same place / size for all devices, you must make sure every gui instance except for the literal "ScreenGui" only has scalar quantities
For example:
{(1, 0), (1, 0)}, instead of either {(0, 40), (0, 100)} or {(0.5, 20), (0, 160)}
Change the size and position to the corresponding scale values, instead of offset