You know, like how with admin commands when you say something something else happens. Could someone please tell me what the term is?
game.Players.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if msg == "" then --whatever u want here end) game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(msg) -- Hope it helped!
Hmm, this'll (maybe) explain how;
local Admins = {"Seaspirit89","Player1"} --Name of plaeyrs who can use the Admin function Text(message,duration,parent,TextType) --For the 'm/' command local"Message") m.Parent=parent m.Text=message wait(duration) if m~=nil then m:Destroy() end end if game:FindService("Players")then --If game finds game.Players then game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) --Gets the service of Players, and starts the PlayerAdded event for i,v in pairs(Admins)do --For loop for Admins if plr.Name:lower()==v:lower() then --If name matches to Admins then plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) --Player can use commands if msg:lower()=="test"then --If player chatted 'test' then print("I'm printing a message!") --Prints a, well, print :P end --The end if msg:lower():sub(1,2)=="m/"then --If the msg starts with 'm/' then Text(msg:sub(3),2,workspace,"Message") --Does a message (Type like 'm/string') end --The end end) end end end) end --The rest of the ends
I hope this helped!