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How to enable bubble chat in game?

Asked by 6 years ago

So uh roblox just removed everything about bubble chat pretty much and I have no idea how to enable it now. I used a script that made it work fine and show again but then recently it stopped and does not show again. Anyone know how I can fix this and get it to show?

2 answers

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Answered by 6 years ago

Check out this and like copy paste the code and stuff if you'd like.

Where exactly do I paste the code? Local script? Server script? Where in the explorer, they do not explain a single thing about it and it is over all idiotic that they did this XX_Scripta 11 — 6y
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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Alright, so I looked around, and after testing the code version myself, it didn't work

This Video will show you how to set the bubble chat (but this will be PERMANENT for the game, as far as I can tell)

Essentially you have to Publish the place directly from studio via "File" --> "Publish to Roblox" --> "Create New" --> "Advanced Settings", where you can choose the type of chat to be used.

However, if you followed the links provided above, a POSSIBLE alternative is the following code (it requires two players in the server to begin functioning)

In a LocalScript:

local Chat = game:GetService("Chat")
local function setUpChatWindow()
    return { BubbleChatEnabled = true }
Chat:RegisterChatCallback(Enum.ChatCallbackType.OnCreatingChatWindow, setUpChatWindow)

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