So it works fine but at the end of the round it teleports just me.
Red = game.Workspace.Bpos--change to where team1 spawns(red team) Note: use Vector3 cordinates Blue = game.Workspace.Rpos--change to where team2 spawns(blue team) lobby = game.Workspace.Lpos-- change the the position of the lobby(where the players go before/after the game) weapon = game.Lighting["Revolver"] weapon2 = game.Lighting["Knife"] Maps ={"Divide"},{"Karachi"}-- change Map1,Map2,Map3 to the name of your maps and put them in Lighting. you can add more just add: ,"another map" after Map3 and so on. r = Maps[math.random(1,#Maps)] while true do wait(15)-- how long between games. = r local m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "Selecting map..." wait(5) m.Text = r.." has been chosen!" wait(4) g = game.Lighting[]:Clone() g.Parent = game.Workspace g:MakeJoints() m.Text = "Teleporting players..." wait(3) m:remove() d = weapon:Clone() c = weapon:Clone() d2 = weapon2:Clone() c2 = weapon2:Clone() local pplz = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#pplz do if pplz[i].TeamColor =="Bright red") and pplz[i] ~= nil and pplz[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then-- change to team1's TeamColor c.Parent = pplz[i].StarterGear d.Parent = pplz[i].Backpack c2.Parent = pplz[i].StarterGear d2.Parent = pplz[i].Backpack pplz[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = Red.CFrame +,i*15,0) d = weapon:Clone() c = weapon:Clone() d2 = weapon2:Clone() c2 = weapon2:Clone() elseif pplz[i].TeamColor =="Bright blue") and pplz[i] ~= nil and pplz[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then--change to team2's TeamColor pplz[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = Blue.CFrame +,i*15,0) d.Parent = pplz[i].Backpack c.Parent = pplz[i].StarterGear d2.Parent = pplz[i].Backpack c2.Parent = pplz[i].StarterGear end end wait(15)-- how long each game lasts. local pplz = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#pplz do if pplz[i] ~= nil and pplz[i].Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then --local clean1 = pplz[i].StarterGear:GetChildren() --clean1[i]:remove() --local clean2 = pplz[i].Backpack:GetChildren() --clean2[i]:remove() pplz[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = lobby.CFrame +,i*15,0) end end local m ="Message") m.Parent = game.Workspace m.Text = "The round has ended!" wait(4) game.Workspace[]:remove() --m.Text = winner.." has won!" m:remove() end
Your error was in the script. CFrame is not really a variable. line 55 and 56 should say this:
pplz[i].Character.Torso.CFrame = lobby.CFrame.p +,i*15,0) end end
CFrame.p returns the Vector3 value of a CFrame. It only did you because the LocalPlayer is always first when dealing with the players, then it broke when CFrame couldn't be written to. CFrame.p fixes this.