I am trying to loop through a dictionary of player stats, but am having trouble finding a way to make sure a value is a table vs a number value.
My Code:
Players[player]["Stats"] = { Chest = {Pectorals = 1}, Arms = {Biceps = 1, Triceps = 1}, Legs = {Quads = 1, Glutes = 1, Hamstring = 1, Adductors = 1}, Core = {Abs = 1, LowerBack = 1}, } Players[player]["Stats"]["Stats"] = Instance.new("Folder",player) StatChangeEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) local output = 0 local function loop() for i,v in pairs(Players[plr]["Stats"]) do if v[1] then loop(v) print(v[1]) elseif v then output = output + v print(v) else print("Failure") end end end loop() local PowerLevel = output plr.leaderstats["Power Level"].Value = PowerLevel end) end)
You can use the tonumber
function to see if something is a number or not. If something can be converted into a number, it returns that number, otherwise, it returns nil.
local t1 = {Jeff = "gee",gdhg = "ooga nooba"} local t2 = {"hey",122} print(tonumber(t1))--nil print(tonumber(t2))--nil print(tonumber(1))--1 print(tonumber("1"))--1
you could also use the type function to see if the type of an object is a table/number
local t1 = {Jeff = "gee",gdhg = "ooga nooba"} local t2 = {"hey",122} print(type(t1))--table print(type(25532))--number
If you want to see if something like a string contains a number like:
"happy 57th birthday!"
you would have to use the match function of the strings library to get it
local str = "happy 57th birthday" print(str:match("%d+"))--57
(%d+ gets 1 or more repetitions of digits)
I'm assuming you mean this?
Players[player]["Stats"] = { Chest = {Pectorals = 1}, Arms = {Biceps = 1, Triceps = 1}, Legs = {Quads = 1, Glutes = 1, Hamstring = 1, Adductors = 1}, Core = {Abs = 1, LowerBack = 1}, } Players[player]["Stats"]["Stats"] = Instance.new("Folder",player) StatChangeEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) local output = 0 local function loop() for i,v in pairs(Players[plr]["Stats"]) do if v[1] then loop(v) print(v[1]) elseif type(v) == 'table' then -- I'm assuming you mean this? for VaraiableName,Value in pairs(v) do print(VaraiableName) output = output + Value end print(output) else print("Failure") end end end loop() local PowerLevel = output plr.leaderstats["Power Level"].Value = PowerLevel end) end)