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Moving part to player within magnitude help?

Asked by 5 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to create a part with a mesh of a snake. I want this snake to then follow any users within the magnitude of 40 studs and to continue doing so until they've left the magnitude. - For example. They died.

However, at this point in time, the snake won't move and I can't seem to work out why...

while wait(.1) do for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Model") then x = v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") if x then c = v:FindFirstChild("dontcome") --This is inside certain players to prevent snakes chasing them... if c then else z = x.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head") if z then if x.Health < 1 then else if (script.Parent.Head.Position - z.Position).Magnitude <= 40 then script.Parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(z.Position) else wait(0.01) end end end end end end end end

Everything inside the "Snake":

There are no errors in the output either.

Thank you.

Also, I don't have the item inside my character called "dontcome". So thats not affecting it.. xXTouchOfFrostXx 125 — 5y
I think I got it now SteamG00B 1633 — 5y

2 answers

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Answered by
SteamG00B 1633 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Ok, so because your snake is just one part, I'm assuming it's trying to get a full character rig to walk to the point, which it can't detect. So my solution is to place a BodyPosition into the Head, and have the body position move to the z.Position.

Edit2: So I went back to my original answer and changed it up a bit so it would search through players only to decrease the time for each loop to finish, and for some reason that also fixes the problem of it not working when you reset.

repeat wait() until game.Players.ChildAdded
while true do wait()
    for _, v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
        local plr = v.Character
        if plr.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
            local head = plr.Head
            if math.abs((head.Position-script.Parent.Head.Position).Magnitude) >= 40 then
                script.Parent.Head.BodyPosition.Position = head.Position
Sorry but this code doesn't work.. xXTouchOfFrostXx 125 — 5y
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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago
while true do wait()
    for _, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
        if v.ClassName == "Model" and v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
            local plr = v
            if script.Parent.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
                local head = plr.Head
                if math.abs(math.abs(head.Position).Magnitude)-(math.abs(script.Parent.Head.Position)).Magnitude) < 41 then
                    script.Parent.Humanoid.WalkToPoint =

Easier to understand, the math.abs is the absolute value, if the players heads magnitude is less than or equal to 40 to the snake then the snake moves to the head. Don't forget to add vectors.

I am not willing to read what the guy above wrote... But this is how I would do it.

Alright there, edited again.

Sorry but the code above doesn't work.. xXTouchOfFrostXx 125 — 5y
does it move if you just say script.Parent.Humanoid:MoveTo( ? greatneil80 2647 — 5y
you really overused math.abs, so much to the point of adding extra parenthesis because you couldn't see what was going on SteamG00B 1633 — 5y
also MoveTo doesn't work for an object with the hierarchy specified SteamG00B 1633 — 5y
Alright then WalkToPoint is a way around it. greatneil80 2647 — 5y

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