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How do you make an animated popup GUI once a player touches the designated brick?

Asked by 6 years ago

So I'm new to Roblox Lua, and I would like to get into it. I'm not new to building properties tho, nor am I new to coding languages. I use things like Python and C++. But to cut this short, I need some help with creating an animated popup GUI.

My idea is to "start," the game when the character touches the transparent brick. The player must walk to the transparent brick, (I already thought ahead, there's only one possible direction you can go,) and when the player touches this invisible brick, a GUI will appear giving the title and a brief description of the game.

It would be great if someone can walk me through the steps of this. - (Or link some kind of tutorial that will help me with this)

tween the GUI ScrubSadmir 200 — 6y
tweening LoganboyInCO 150 — 6y
tweening LoganboyInCO 150 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

Okay I'll get straight to the point my friend.What you're going to need are Touched Events, a basic understanding on how GUIs work and how to tween these GUIs.I'll leave the rest to you assuming its self explanatory.


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