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Having The Mouse Hovering Over A Grid?

Asked by
Ruves 21
5 years ago

Basically I've created a grid with 36 separate blocks and grouped them together in a model named "Grid" I managed to get over my first obstacle with the help of someone(Rheines) by making a script that would place a block above a section of the grid if the player clicks down on that section, woohoo! So the problem I've encountered is I actually hoped to change it so when the player is hovering over a section of the grid the part displays on that section until the cursor moves to another section in-which it would disappear from the previous and move to the new.

I thought I could do this using a while true loop having it constantly check the position of the players cursor, and then placing a block above that section but I don't know how I'd go about making it so when the player moves to a new section it removes the old block?

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()

while true do

local Origin = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Torso")
local ray =, (Mouse.Hit.p - Origin.Position).unit * 500)
local part, hitPosition = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, Player.Character)
if part then
    if part.Parent.Name == "Grid" then
        local Brick = script["Brick1"]:Clone()
        Brick.CFrame = part.CFrame*,2,0)
        Brick.Parent = game.Workspace


1 answer

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Answered by
Rheines 661 Moderation Voter
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

You can check if a part already generates a brick, then you can reference that brick and the part it created. If it is hovering over the same part, do nothing. If it is hovering over a different part, delete the part in the old grid and create a new one in place.

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()

--References to the last part the player hovers.
local LastPart = nil
local SelectedBrick = nil

while true do
    --Reupdate mouse target filter so that you can detect a part through the created brick.
    Mouse.TargetFilter =  LastPart
    local Origin = Player.Character:WaitForChild("Torso")
    local ray =, (Mouse.Hit.p - Origin.Position).unit * 500)
    --Use ignore list so the ray will ignore the cloned part.
    local part, hitPosition = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, {Player.Character, LastPart})
    if part then
        if part.Parent.Name == "Grid" then      
            --[[If it is the first time the player hovers over a grid,
            create the brick in position, and set a reference that it holds the last part.]]
            if SelectedBrick == nil then
                SelectedBrick = part
                local Brick = script["Brick1"]:Clone()
                Brick.CFrame = part.CFrame*,2,0)
                Brick.Parent = workspace
                LastPart = Brick

            --If the player is hovering over the same brick do nothing.
            elseif SelectedBrick == part then

            --If it is a different grid and is not the first one then delete the last part.
                SelectedBrick = part
                local Brick = script["Brick1"]:Clone()
                Brick.CFrame = part.CFrame*,2,0)
                Brick.Parent = workspace
                LastPart = Brick 

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