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How to update the player with filtering enabled?

Asked by
ksony 54
5 years ago

What I want to know is how I do it so that the player updates constantly on the server and so that others can see their changes, for example, when they change clothes or hair, morphs, etc. that is also updated on the server, as if there was no filtering enabled for the players

do u have a attempt? tacotown2 119 — 5y
I don't recommend allowing players to control what they wear like that. You could have valid clothing options and fire a remote event from the client saying which option the player chose and putting it on them (if it's valid). User#25115 0 — 5y
Due to various incidents where players have caused explicit things to happen, especially with their clothing on Roblox, I would never encourage allowing them to have any control over what they wear (unless, like I stated earlier, you have complete control over their control). User#25115 0 — 5y
I pretty much have the same question, but mine is using :BindToRenderStep() to update the player's Waist.C0 to match the local camera's LookVector.Y. So how would one use a remotevent on something that is constant, and can't be ran from the server? KardashevScale 110 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
danglt 185
5 years ago

To do this use RemoteEvents


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