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How to detect player interaction in GUIs?

Asked by
ben0h555 417 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

I want to use UserInputService, but I need a way to detect if the player is interacting with Guis, including them typing in roblox's chat. I am extreamly stuck with this manner and I have no idea how to do this.

You could use UIS.TextBoxFocused and FocusReleased. You also use the gameProcessedEvent parameter in InputBegan. What exactly are you trying to do though? xPolarium 1388 — 5y
if you find nothing else, this is the alternative Gui.MouseEnter:Connect(function() end) Zafirua 1348 — 5y

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

It mostly depends on what gui element your going to have them interact with. For a button of any type.

local guiElement = script.Parent --This assumes the gui element is the scripts parent

    --Do something

--This is a local script

And if you wanted to see when a user sends a message in chat you would use:

    --Do something
--This is also a local script

There isn't any event for when the player starts typing in chat though. So there isn't a 100% reliable way to see when a player is typing in chat without redoing the whole chat gui.

If this answer helped be sure to accept it so we both get some rep :)

Im pretty sure game.Players.LocalPlayer.Chatted doesnt fire when they are typing. ben0h555 417 — 5y

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