So I want to know how to get a script to access it's properties.. Like behaviour. So would I do script.Disable? And then like do script.Disable = true After a certain statement has come true?
So I've done something like this:
admin = {"MasterPoke99"} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) for _,v in pairs(admin) do if p.Name:lower() == v:lower() then p.Chatted:connect(function(m) m = m:lower() tele = script.Parent enable = script.Parent.Teleport if m == "open sft" or "open secret" or "open teles" or "close arena" or "open vote" then wait(1) tele.Transparency = 1 tele.CanCollide = false script.Disabled = true elseif m == "Self-Training" then wait(1) tele.Transparency = 0 tele.CanCollide = true script.Disabled = false -- Now changed, beforehand it was script.Disable which was wrong. end end) end end)
But at the end where it says 'end end) end end) It keeps coming up with errors. Could someone expand what is going wrong and why... I thought it was the properties where I say script.Disable... I might be wrong but could someone help me solve it? Thanks.
So I looked at this again and noticed that the end end) end end) is talking about line 4... What's wrong with it? If nothing then what? Because it keeps saying there's an unexpected symbol near ')' But if I delete it, it says it's expected to close line 4 at the end... But if I don't delete and add a ')' at the end of line 4 it says what it used to say at end end) end end) but instead up there... Would really appreciate some help...
Hi MasterPoke99,
Your only error in the code was at like 19, you put
script.Disable = false
When really you should fix it by doing
script.Disabled = false
Hope I helped!