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How Do I Make MY Game Exploit FREE???

Asked by 6 years ago

i published a game in roblox and then when i joined i saw a lot of exploiters and its destroying the servers and its unfair can some one help me?

You dont. There are steps to make it LESS exploitable, but there will always be a way around it. This question is off topic. DinozCreates 1070 — 6y
There is no way to make your games 100% exploit proof. Those exploiters are destroying your servers because you trust the client way too much, and/or you have poor remote communication. User#24403 69 — 6y
all Roblox games have FE on by default, which is enough to kick a player off the server for suspicious behavior, usually due to hacking. So you really can't make it completely exploit-free and this question is pointless. DeceptiveCaster 3761 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by
Viztec 40
6 years ago

There is no way to make your game exploit free, please read Scripting Helper's community guidelines for asking questions here:

This should've been a comment, not an answer. DinozCreates 1070 — 6y
@DinozCreates no u Viztec 40 — 6y
oww sorry i tought there was a way sorry again lord_lol123 3 — 6y

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