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"ERROR: 502: API Services rejected request with error. HTTP 0 (HTTP 403)" Why?

Asked by
Kami_Yo 72
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

This is a very sudden issue and I have no clue why it's happening. I've been using a DataStore for a while now and have not received this error.

Can this be caused when you keep changing your DataStore's name?

My code has not even changed, this worked fine yesterday and now for absolutely no reason it's giving me this error? Does anyone know if this is on Roblox's side. The game is a group game and I am not the creator, but I never had an issue before. And the Enable Studio Access to API Services option is on too so I really don't know what the issue is.

what sort of request was it? can u show us the line where the error occured GoldAngelInDisguise 297 — 6y
Datastores have been having a lot of issues lately, hopefully Roblox sorts out whatever is causing the issues. Although ive not seen anyone with this specific error. DinozCreates 1070 — 6y
I think it was Roblox. Cause I ran the game again and didn't get the error. I was pretty sure it wasn't on my end since it literally worked fine minutes ago and I hadn't changed anything. Kami_Yo 72 — 6y

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Answered by 6 years ago

if this question's answer is correct (and it may not be as it's from 10 months ago), datastores won't work in team create or group games of which you are not the owner of.

It should work in game servers, but I'm not sure why it only started for you now and if the above is actually correct.

I think it was just Roblox having some error because it's back to working. I guess it just happens sometimes, I knew it was unlikely to be on my end since it was working minutes ago and I had made zero changes since. Anyway, at least I know to just wait next time the error shows up. Kami_Yo 72 — 6y
yeah ihatecars100 502 — 6y

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