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why do i earn money and it shows up in the leaderboard but wont show up for another player?

Asked by 5 years ago

So i am working a simulator game and i was working pretty well but then i hit a slump. This script works and all but when a person clicks and earn money the money wont show up for another player.

Here is the script:

local toolName = "AdvancedCard" -- what tool(name) must be held to earn? local randomizeAmount = true -- randomize cash amount? if true, cash will be randomised, if false, cash will be the same everytime local cashStatic = 1 --if 'randomizeAmount' is FALSE, how much money should be earned by 1 click? local cashRandomX = 15 --if 'randomizeAmount' is TRUE, what is the MINimum cash amount? local cashRandomY = 20 --if 'randomizeAmount' is TRUE, what is the MAXimum cash amount? local debugging = true --debugging mode? if true, info will be print to the console, if false, script is not printing anything local leaderstatName = "Cash" --name of Cash leaderstat ---------- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local equip = false local mouse = plr:GetMouse() plr.Backpack:WaitForChild(toolName).Equipped:Connect(function() equip = true end) plr.Backpack:WaitForChild(toolName).Unequipped:Connect(function() equip = false end) mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function() if equip then wait(0.5) if randomizeAmount then local amount = math.random(cashRandomX, cashRandomY) plr.leaderstats:WaitForChild(leaderstatName).Value = plr.leaderstats:WaitForChild(leaderstatName).Value + amount if debugging then print("Player "..plr.Name.." just earned $"..amount.." for clicking with the tool.") end else plr.leaderstats:WaitForChild(leaderstatName).Value = plr.leaderstats:WaitForChild(leaderstatName).Value + cashStatic if debugging then print("Player "..plr.Name.." just earned $"..cashStatic.." for clicking with the tool.") end end end end)

Please help me fix this.

you need to use a remote event to change the "cash" value, it cant be changed from a localscript. DinozCreates 1070 — 5y
What he said, I have encountered this before WideSteal321 773 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
maxbd 44
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

You can't change a value on the server from a local script on filtering enabled games because it won't replicate to other clients. Filtering will make sure this change is not replicated. You should use a remote event or a remote function to do this, preferably a remote event.

You should try something like this:

(Please note, this is very easy to exploit, apply some good security to your remotes.)


-- Script (on server)

-- Create a remote event that will be fired to update player's cash.

local RE ="RemoteEvent", game.ReplicatedStorage))
RE.Name = "UpdateCash"

RE.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(self, value)
    self.leaderstats.Cash.Value = self.leaderstats.Cash.Value + value


-- Local Script (on client)

until game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local lp = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local lpM = lp:GetMouse()

local randomizeAmount = true

    local debounce = false
        if debounce == true then
            debounce = not debounce
            if randomizeAmount == true then
                game.ReplicatedStorage.UpdateCash:FireServer(math.random(15, 20))
            debounce = not debounce

Sorry if I left behind any errors or bad coding habits, un-testing code and kind of rushing.

I wouldn't put `self`, instead I would put `player` as that is more descriptive and `self` can cause some confusion SirDerpyHerp 262 — 5y

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