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Dragger - how to set boundaries for how far away an object can be dragged from the player?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago


The title pretty much says it all. I've learned about Draggers and how to use one to allow players to drag objects with them. However, an object can be dragged really far away from the player and I'd like to limit the distance for how far an object can be dragged. I don't want the object to just cancel the "dragging" function when it reaches a "boundary", but instead allow the player to re-position the object closer to them if they like, or walk with the object that's being dragged at limited distance away from them.

For solution I thought of creating some sort of invisible walls around the player so the object that's being dragged can collide with those and therefore it would work as a boundary I guess. Only limitation is I don't know how to implement such walls that they would move when the player moves, and are invisible to other players. And I'm also wondering if there are other ways to achieve my goal?

I'd appreciate any help with finding a solution to what I'm trying to achieve.


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