Hey! I have a script for developer product, when someone buys one, it gives them a certain amount of "BlauBux". It works in studio, but not Roblox. I have a suspicion that it only works on the game server, and doesnt display on the client's screen, but I'm not sure how to do that!
Here is my code:
local Market = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local Store = game:GetService("DataStoreService") local previousPurchases = Store:GetDataStore("PreviousPurchases") local Bux100 = 438201037 local Bux500 = 438202156 local Bux1000 = 438202268 local Bux7500 = 438202400 local Bux17000 = 438202528 local Bux50000 = 438202628 Market.ProcessReceipt = function(receipt) local Id = receipt.PlayerId.."_"..receipt.PurchaseId local success = nil pcall(function() success = previousPurchases:GetAsync(Id) end) if success then return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted end local player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(receipt.PlayerId) if not player then return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.NotProcessedYet else if receipt.ProductId == Bux100 then game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value + 100 end if receipt.ProductId == Bux500 then game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value + 500 end if receipt.ProductId == Bux1000 then game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value + 1000 end if receipt.ProductId == Bux7500 then game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value + 7500 end if receipt.ProductId == Bux17000 then game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value + 17000 end if receipt.ProductId == Bux50000 then game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value = game.Players[player.Name].leaderstats.BlauBux.Value + 50000 end pcall(function() previousPurchases:SetAsync(Id, true) end) return Enum.ProductPurchaseDecision.PurchaseGranted end end
Thanks in advance!