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Im trying to do a if (NumberValue here) <= 0 then but wont work without outputs?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

I get no error in the output or what im trying print

02    if script.Parent.Parent.Hits.BillboardGui.Damage.Text == "0" then --Problem
03        print("Event fire attempt")
04        game.ReplicatedStorage.Logg:FireClient(player)
05    end
06    if script.Parent.Parent.Player.Value == "" then
07        script.Parent.Parent.Player.Value = player.Name
08    end
09    if player.Name == script.Parent.Parent.Player.Value then
10    print(player.Name)
11    print("jwilenqgnblqnbw")
12    local equiped = player.AxeLvl.Value
13    player.Character.Humanoid:EquipTool(player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(equiped))
14    wait(0.150)
15    if equiped == "lvl1" then
View all 27 lines...
it obviously more than 0 HappyTimIsHim 652 — 6y
at line 16 u can't subtract things from text HappyTimIsHim 652 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

You can't subtract numbers from a TextLabel, try making an IntValue, doing the subtracting on that then make the text of the TextLabel say whatever you want it to.


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