events.LogArrest.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, t, reason, username) ap:AddCard(username,username..' was arrested for '..reason..' by '.. tostring(player)..' and sentenced to jail for '..t..' seconds.',ListID) local feedbackEmbed = :setTitle("Arrestee Information") :addField("Name:", username) :addField("Reason of Arrest:", reason) :addField("Time of Sentence:", t) :addField("Arresting Officer Information", '') :addField("Name:", player) :addField("Department:", player.Team) :setFooter("Powered by devARREST") :setColor(3066993) webhook:send(feedbackEmbed, {username = "Lucerne Arrest Log"}) end)
It never goes to the discord and has no errors but if I change the script to be like this it sends it, please help if you know anything about the NitroDiscordAPI
events.LogArrest.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, t, reason, username) ap:AddCard(username,username..' was arrested for '..reason..' by '.. tostring(player)..' and sentenced to jail for '..t..' seconds.',ListID) local feedbackEmbed = :setTitle("Arrestee Information") :addField("Name:", 'Test' -- Changed part) :addField("Reason of Arrest:", 'Test'-- Changed part) :addField("Time of Sentence:", 'Test'-- Changed part) :addField("Arresting Officer Information", '') :addField("Name:", 'Test'-- Changed part) :addField("Department:", 'Test'-- Changed part) :setFooter("Powered by devARREST") :setColor(3066993) webhook:send(feedbackEmbed, {username = "Lucerne Arrest Log"}) end)
addField Info that is inside the NitroDiscordAPI Module Script
function RichEmbed:addField(name, value, inline) if name == nil or value == nil then error("You can't add a field with an empty name or value.") end if inline == nil then inline = false end self.fields[#self.fields + 1] = { ["name"] = name, ["value"] = value, ["inline"] = inline } return self end
setTitle Info that is inside the NitroDiscordAPI Module Script
function RichEmbed:setTitle(title) if title == nil then error("You must specify the title.") end self.title = title return self end
If you need anymore information from any of the other script please let me know!