Hello, I was wondering if there is any way to display groups funds in my game?
Unfortunately, I don't think Roblox has a function that is intended to do that. That would just be a waste of time, because people can already go to your group page. So, I am not sure if it not possible or it is. It is most likely not though. Although, I know for a fact that you can display how many Robux get donate to you by people who play your game. I know this because I played games that show the amount of Robux donated. If you would like to search deeper and see for yourself, look at this api reference for GroupService here. Below are some functions you can do with groups.
GetAlliesAsync ( int64 groupId )
Returns a StandardPages object including information on all of the specified group’s allies.
GetEnemiesAsync ( int64 groupId )
Returns a StandardPages object including information on all of the specified group’s enemies.
GetGroupInfoAsync ( int64 groupId )
Returns a table containing information about the given group.
GetGroupsAsync ( int64 userId )
Returns a list of tables containing information on all of the groups a given player is a member of.