I was making a kamehameha tool but I it doesn't print Equipped
tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Equipped = true print(Equipped) m.Icon = 'rbxgameasset://Images/'..'Gun Aim' end)
If you know why then tell me.
You asked for it, the whole script
function startkame() if debounce == false and Equippe then if toggle == false then print ('Passed') debounce = true toggle = true hax = true print('Will it play?') chargetrack:Play() print('PLAYED') startkame = Instance.new("Part") print("made") startkame.Shape = 'Ball' print('ball') startkame.Material = 'Neon' print('mat') startkame.Name = 'StartKame' print('Name') startkame.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Toothpaste") print('color') startkame.CFrame = arm.CFrame print('CFrame') startkame.Size = Vector3.new(8, 8, 8) print('size') startkame.CanCollide = false startkame.Anchored = true print(ctr) startkame.Parent = ctr wait(1) blast() print('starting') end end end --launching function blast() print('Blastoff') if toggle == true then print('toggle is true') toggle = false launch = Instance.new('Part', ctr) launch.Shape = 'Cylinder' launch.Size = Vector3.new(75, 5, 5) launch.CFrame = ctr.Torso.CFrame launch.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Toothpaste') launch.Material = 'Neon' launch.CanCollide = false launch.Anchored = true launch.Orientation = ctr:FindFirstChild('Torso').CFrame.lookVector*3 wait(3) ctr:WaitForChild('Humanoid').WalkSpeed = norm hum.JumpPower = norn startkame:Destroy() launch:Destroy() debounce = true hax = false end end hax = false tool = script.Parent charge = Instance.new("Animation") charge.AnimationId = "https://www.roblox.com/asset/id?=".."02561050525" debounce = false toggle = false plr = script.Parent.Parent.Parent ctr = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() m = plr:GetMouse() hum = ctr:WaitForChild('Humanoid') norm = hum.WalkSpeed norn = hum.JumpPower Equippe = false chargetrack = ctr:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(charge) arm = ctr:FindFirstChild('Right Arm') or ctr:FindFirstChild('RightHand') print ('variables are fine') tool.Equipped:Connect(function() Equippe = true print('Equipped') m.Icon = 'rbxgameasset://Images/'..'Gun Aim' end) m.Button1Down:Connect(startkame) m.Button1Up:Connect(function() print('released') if Equippe == true then blast() end end) tool.Unequipped:Connect(function() print('Unequipped') m.Icon = 'rbxassetid://'..'61210994' Equippe = false if hax and toggle then toggle = false startkame() debounce = true wait(5) debounce = false hax = false toggle = false end end)
It's a string so you do