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How to prevent events from colliding?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Ok so I made a script and local script on both tools One Tool when activated spawns a 100,100,100 Square brick another tool when activated spawns a small ball the problem is whenever I activate one tool it spawns them both at once meaning once activated it spawns a 100,100,100 square brick and a small ball at the same time

Do I need to use seperate events for every single server action?

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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago
Hello Halmuni, yes you would need to use a different Event for each Tool, since you scripted it to the same Event, you practically made two different things occur within one Event. So that's why it is spawning both. But yes, you'd need two Events. 1 for each tool. You would use one Event for BallTool and the other for your SquareTool. If you want to learn more about Events, here is a link!

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