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How to propel a player forward?

Asked by 6 years ago

Probably has a really simple answer, but how do you make blocks propel someone forward? Not like a booster that increases their walk speed but a brick that pushes the player into any direction, in this case forward. Tried to find something on this, though no results.

Search BodyMovers. xPolarium 1388 — 6y
Velocity/BodyMovers where the vector is LookVector * Amplifier SummerEquinox 643 — 6y
You'll probably need to use a physics solver for the most basic solution to this. AZDev 590 — 6y
thanks mossiesan 0 — 6y
I recommend using BodyPosition. KingLoneCat 2642 — 6y

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Answered by
Tizzel40 243 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

Basically. you would have to use "Roblox Physics" to propel are make a little dash to your self

you would add body velocity with an

then set its MaxForce value to,math.huge,math.huge)

then its velocity to it by multiplying the "Lookvector" of the humanoid root part I think like this

HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 50 -- the higher the number the faster you will fly I think.

and those are basic rules to help accomplish you task of dashing (or) propelling your self at a certain force, forward.

Remember: Body Velocity Travels at A "Constant Velocity" So it basically always stays the same!



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