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Reasources To Learn Roblox Steaming? (Only Load Parts Near You Script). & Lag Reduction

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Hello,I heard roblox added a feature,where is only loads parts near you. This is good for making your game not lag. Any way to do this? What resources can I use to learn this new method? And How Can I Possibly Do This? Thanks,In Regards,Danielp533 Something Like this:

1local parts = game.Workspace:GetChildren()
2parts.Parent = game.ServerStorage
3if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.:GetChildren().Position (is_near) parts then
4parts.Parent = workspace
6--All Parts in ServerStorage until you walk close.

Edit:After Reading the Comments,and This Steaming Thing Didnt Change My Game Being Laggy,Now Im Very Curious On How To Stop My Game From Being Laggy. Its very annoying,and i dont feel like removing theese parts

I thought you were a master at roblox scripting? User#24403 69 — 6y
thats literally just StreamingEnabled Gey4Jesus69 2705 — 6y
@incapaxian Yes,I am very good,but some things like I dont get. This was just introduced to me when my new game started lagging badly Danielp533 16 — 6y
wait dude my game is still very laggy and when I turned it on,it didnt just load whats near me,it laoded the whole map.Plus on a youtube video,I saw he used a long advanced script just for it to load,and not some button. Guys anyone can help? Danielp533 16 — 6y
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you are a master do it yourself User#24403 69 — 6y
Have you tried turning your graphics settings down? Are you sure it isn't just your computer not being able to handle roblox? SteamG00B 1633 — 6y
post a link to your game file, and I can open it and see why your game is lagging. SteamG00B 1633 — 6y

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