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How to remove someone from the ingame player list?

Asked by 6 years ago

How can i remove someone's name from the ingame player list? The :Destroy() option could work, but apparently it interferes with some of the core scripts.

kick them, or if you just want to hide them, you'll have to create a custom player list Gey4Jesus69 2705 — 6y
yeah i think you have to use a custom player list. I'm guessing this like invisible admin mode or something. I am not sure how it would be achoeved with the normal playe rlist tonyv537 95 — 6y
i have an example:, Its an actual player and he/she can do anything a player can that is on the player list, though i'll just find out how to create a custom player list then. mossiesan 0 — 6y
Someone actually asked this yesterday, if you did a quick google search you would've been able to find it. SteamG00B 1633 — 6y
The ingame playerlist is in the COREGUI. You would have to remake the entire playerlist and disable the old one. EpicMetatableMoment 1444 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by
Dr_0wn -16
6 years ago

You'd need to remove the list itself and create a new one

disabling it would be

game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("PlayerList", false)

i believe then you would be able to edit it since you can't configure it any other way, but the players showing in the esc menu would still be a problem.


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