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equip animation for Gun not Working. Help?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

i have a lot of trouble with remote events, and i'm making a equip animation for a gun, can you guys correct me pls??

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local equip_anima = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Equip")
    local animaequip = equip_anima:WaitForChild("Equiping")
    local animaequiptrack = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(animaequip)
i dont see anywhere where "player" is defined. it should be the parameter of "OnServerEvent". it wouldnt hurt to make better variable names either! Gey4Jesus69 2705 — 6y
just putting this out there for you, but the whole point of variables is so that you can assign a long line of code or something to a short variable. So what that means is don't make a variable name that is almost as long as the line of code you're trying to simplify. SteamG00B 1633 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago

If this is an animation for a thing such as a tool, for example, you don't need to use RemoteEvents to play an animation client-sided. Below, is a simplified client-sided animation player:

local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
local equipAnim = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Equip"):WaitForChild("Equiping")

local equipTrack = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):LoadAnimation(equipAnim)

If you need any other help, just reply to this answer. :)



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