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Player touched a part and gets respawned?

Asked by
O_3I 0
6 years ago

Hi, I'm making an obby and I want to make it so if you fall you get respawned instantly when you touched the part that has the script

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Answered by 6 years ago

This isn't a request site, but I'm feeling nice right now. First, we'll make use of the Touched event in a server script. This assumes that you have a server script inside a part in the workspace:

1local part = workspace.Part
4    local plr = game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
5    if plr then
6        plr:LoadCharacter()
7    end

We use the :GetPlayerFromCharacter() method to find the character's player, and then load the character from there, which respawns the character.

Not sure the exact scenario this would be used in, but I would recommend you use WaitForChild to ensure the part has been loaded. lunatic5 409 — 6y
yes it was just an example, although i rarely have to wait for anything in workspace. Gey4Jesus69 2705 — 6y

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