I have two sounds that I want to play when a player walks on the terrain of a forest. I want a stone sound to play on the stone material and a grass sound on the grass. I've been trying but the sound is sped up and normally doesn't load sometimes.
--Sound Names
--STONE: StoneWalk:Play() --GRASS: GrassWalk:Play()
so, you cant necessarily play it specifically on the terrain, but you can add a block around the terrain, and if the player touches it, it plays the sound.
script.Parent.Touched:Connect(function(hit) if hit,Parent = Humanoid then local sound = script:WaitForChild("YOUR SOUND") --MUST BE LOCAL SCRIPT while true do sound:Play() wait(1) end end end) script.Parent.TouchEnded:Connect(function() sound:Stop() -- stop might be wrong, you can search it up end)