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How to find words used in string from a table and then replaces the words with new one?

Asked by
RiotGUI 15
6 years ago

How to make a script that finds words used in a string from a table and then replaces the words with new one?

Here's my attempt

local stringtofind = {'are', 'you'}
local stringtoprocess = 'i think you are cool'
local startvalue,endvalue = string.find(stringtoprocess,stringtofind)
local firststring = string.sub(stringtoprocess,1,startvalue-1)
local secondstring = string.sub(stringtoprocess,endvalue+1,string.len(stringtoprocess))
local stringtoinsert = "you're"
local processedstring = firststring .. stringtoinsert ..secondstring


Any help?

can you clarify how it is done? because i do not understand RiotGUI 15 — 6y

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