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Disabling The MouseButton1 Key?

Asked by 6 years ago

Hello! I've been thinking on a way to disable a certain key (in this case, the MouseButton1 - LeftMouseButton). I thinked about using HumanoidControllers + ControllerService, but I didn't believe it would work. So, is there a way to disable the MouseButton1 key?

If you are curious, I need to disable the Left Mouse Button to prevent players from spamming a combo, but also I tried disabling the script and nothing changed.

You should use flags / check to see if a player can run another combo. User#5423 17 — 6y
use bind action and leave the function bind blank. greatneil80 2647 — 6y
It overrides the current mouse button then greatneil80 2647 — 6y
Ok I'll try :D constructionmiller 44 — 6y

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