I am trying to make a remote event fire to a single client. I cannot figure out why my current scripts are not working.
--Script game.ReplicatedStorage.One.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr) if game.Workspace[plr.Name.."'s Place on Board"].Value == 2 then game.Workspace[plr.Name].UpperTorso.CFrame= CFrame.new(-34.412, 2.209, 22.888) game.ReplicatedStorage.PurchaseBloxField:FireClient(plr) print("Sent request to buy it!") end end)
--LocalScript game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("One") while true do game.ReplicatedStorage.One:FireServer() wait(3) end game.ReplicatedStorage.PurchaseBloxField.OnClientEvent:Connect(function() print("Received request to buy it!") script.Parent.Purchase.BloxField.Visible = true end)
It successfully prints "Sent request to buy it!", but not "Received request to buy it!". There are no errors in the output.