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Tweening CFrame with lookat position?

Asked by
trecept 367 Moderation Voter
5 years ago

I'm trying to tween a part that moves towards a position whilst looking at the object, but when I try to tween the part's CFrame with a lookat position (e.g cframe =, part.position)) it glitches out and the part goes to infinity distance. Any way I can fix this?

Maybe use lerp (linear interpolation) User#24403 69 — 5y
cf:Lerp(goal, alpha) User#24403 69 — 5y
I think the lack of responses on this question is perhaps due to misinterpretations of the problem. Can you provide some screenshots and some more code to help illustrate it? WillieTehWierdo200 966 — 5y
use BodyGyro. Something like : `, targetPosition)` proclet 7 — 5y

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