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Bindable event not firing?

Asked by
iladoga 129
6 years ago

Hi, I have a bindable event that fires whenever a player has killed someone with a knife, this script works as its should but I am having some problems with firing the bindable event.

Also, basically this bindable event is just transferring two players names from one script to another.

--Knife script

1kill = hit.Parent.Humanoid.Died:connect(function()
2    print("Player has died")   
3    game:GetService("ServerStorage").KilledPlr:Fire(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name,hit.Parent.Name)              
4    wait(2)
5    kill:disconnect()

And yes, it prints "Player has died" but it does not fire the bindable event.

Here is the other server script recieving the bindable event.

1local bindable = game:GetService("ServerStorage").KilledPlr
4    print("Event fired")
5    game:GetService("ServerStorage").DiedScreen.Main.KilledBy.Text = "You have been killed by "..plrname.."!"
6    game:GetService("ServerStorage").DiedScreen:Clone().Parent = game:GetService("Players")[plrkilled].PlayerGui
7    wait(3)
8    game:GetService("Players")[plrkilled].PlayerGui.DiedScreen:Destroy()

Basically the "Event" function doesnt run. This is really frustrating and I hope someone can help.

Additional info: Bindable event is stored in serverstorage.


at least say what type of scripts they are User#23365 30 — 6y
They are both server scripts, bindable events only use server scripts. Think before you comment bro. iladoga 129 — 6y
Bindable events also work on the client. I personally use them and they function perfectly on the client. User#25115 0 — 6y
bindable events are for server to server and client to client communication @iladoga User#23365 30 — 6y
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Did you make sure that both scripts are enabled? firestarroblox123 440 — 6y
Use a remoteevent instead. 9mze 193 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by 4 years ago

I know this is a year late, but I figured I'd post it anyway for others who come by later. I'm not sure why the bindable events aren't working, and I actually just encountered this same issue, but I found a fix for it that works for me. Use bindable functions instead of events. To be completely honest, I don't know the difference between the two, so there might be something with this idea that doesn't work, but either way, I'll post it. Here's a comparison of bindable event usage to bindable function usage:

Bindable Event: "Firing" Script:


"Fired" Script:

2    -- Insert script stuff here

Bindable Function: "Firing" Script:


"Fired" Script:

1bindableFunction.OnInvoke = function(arg1,arg2)
2    -- Insert script stuff here

I hope this helps anyone else who comes along and has this same issue like I did.


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