I'm using just using a normal script not a Local Script and I got a error:
GetPlayerFromCharacter is not a valid member of Player
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Character = Player:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character) print(Character.Name) for Number,LocalScripts in pairs (script:GetChildren()) do LocalScripts:Clone().Parent = Character LocalScripts.Disabled = false print(Player.Name,"now has",LocalScripts) end end)
You have it backwards. The PlayerAdded event returns the Player, not the Character. In your case, you would say: Character = Player.Character
The GetPlayerFromCharacter method returns get the Character's (game.Workspace) Player (game.Players).
Might not be the problem, but whats character?
Character = Player:GetPlayerFromCharacter(character)
You explained what Character with a Capital C is, whats character with a lowercase C, looks like it would be:
Oh, and btw, it looks like you need local variables.