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Anyone willing to help?

Asked by
ehern11 15
10 years ago

Can someone please help me fix this, I've tried many things but it's not working;

local p = game:GetService("PlayerPointService") local player = script.Parent.Parent local bankBalance = player.Bank.Value

if bankBalance == 1 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,45) print("point awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0

if bankBalance == 5 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,125) print("points awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0

if bankBalance == 10 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,500) print("points awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0

end end end end end end

a) What does "not working mean". b) What have you tried c) Use code formatting (the Lua button). Edit your post to address all of these as soon as possible. BlueTaslem 18071 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by
Mauvn 100
10 years ago

Just some misspelling here I've did it for you!

1local p = game:GetService("PlayerPointService") local player = script.Parent.Parent local bankBalance = player.Bank.Value
3if bankBalance == 1 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,45) print("Points Awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0
5if bankBalance == 5 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,125) print("Points Awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0
7if bankBalance == 10 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,500) print("Points Awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0
9end end end end end end

If this helped +1

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Answered by 10 years ago

Both of you got Line 1 wrong...

1local p = game:GetService("PointsService") local player = script.Parent.Parent local bankBalance = player.Bank.Value --PointsService, not PlayerPointService
3if bankBalance == 1 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,45) print("Points Awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0
5if bankBalance == 5 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,125) print("Points Awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0
7if bankBalance == 10 then p:AwardPoints(player.userId,500) print("Points Awarded") while true do wait() bankBalance = 0
9end end end end end end

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