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My 173 Script Wont Work When Published, It just doesn't move, when i look away, can anybody help?

Asked by 5 years ago

the script i have, or when i publish it, doesn't work, like lets say i publish it as a game, the script doesnt work what i want it to do is, move when i'm not looking, it does that if i dont publish it, but when i publish it it just doesn't move, it does nothing

local DIST = 50 -- How many studs for SCP-173 to notice somebody. local BLOOD = "Blood" -- The name of the 'Blood' decal, for cleaning. local SPEED = 1.25 -- How much studs per frame should SCP-173 move. local pTest ='Part') -- Test part, never initialized to world space pTest.Anchored = true local move = true local oldpos = nil function canSee(target) local vec = script.Parent.Position - target.Position local isInFOV = (vec:Dot(target.CFrame.lookVector) > 0) if (isInFOV) and (vec.magnitude < DIST) then local ray =,vec.unit*200) local por = game:GetService('Workspace'):FindPartOnRay(ray,target.Parent,false) return (por == nil) or (por:IsDescendantOf(script.Parent.Parent)) end return false end local b = "" function touched(p) local pl = game:service('Players'):GetPlayerFromCharacter(p.Parent) if pl~=nil then if p.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') then script.Parent.Kill:Play() script.Parent.Sound:Play() p.Parent.Humanoid.Health = 0 if (b ~= p.Parent.Name) then -- Don't flood with blood wait(1) -- Draw Blood local bl=script.Parent.Blood:Clone() b = p.Parent.Name local'Part',workspace) prt.Name="Blood" prt.Anchored=true prt.Transparency=1 bl.Transparency=0 prt.CanCollide=false if p.Parent~=nil then prt.CFrame =, p.Parent.Torso.CFrame.Y - 0.2, p.Parent.Torso.CFrame.Z) end prt.Size =,6), 0.5, math.random(1,6)) bl.Parent=prt end end end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(touched) function point(p1,p2) return,, p1.Position.Y, p2.Position.Z)) end while wait(0) do move = true for a,b in pairs(script.Parent:GetTouchingParts()) do if b.Size.X < 200 and b~=script.Parent and b~=script.Parent.Parent.Face and b.Name~="Blood" then -- Make sure it's not the floor if oldpos~=nil then script.Parent.Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(oldpos) end move = false else -- Breach Script end end oldpos = script.Parent.CFrame for i,v in pairs(game:service('Players'):GetPlayers()) do if (v.Character~=nil) then if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then local v1,v2,v3 = false, false, false local tCf = v.Character.Torso.CFrame local mCf = script.Parent.CFrame if (tCf.X < (mCf.X + DIST) and tCf.X > (mCf.X - DIST)) then v1 = true end if (tCf.Y < (mCf.Y + DIST) and tCf.Y > (mCf.Y - DIST)) then v2 = true end if (tCf.Z < (mCf.Z + DIST) and tCf.Z > (mCf.Z - DIST)) then v3 = true end if (v1 and v2 and v3) then -- In range if (canSee(v.Character.Torso) == false) then -- Not in eye blink local xDif, zDif = 0, 0 if v.Character.Torso.CFrame.X~=script.Parent.CFrame.X then if math.floor(v.Character.Torso.CFrame.X) > math.floor(script.Parent.CFrame.X) then xDif = SPEED elseif math.floor(v.Character.Torso.CFrame.X) < math.floor(script.Parent.CFrame.X) then xDif = -SPEED end end if v.Character.Torso.CFrame.Z~=script.Parent.CFrame.Z then if math.floor(v.Character.Torso.CFrame.Z) > math.floor(script.Parent.CFrame.Z) then zDif = SPEED elseif math.floor(v.Character.Torso.CFrame.Z) < math.floor(script.Parent.CFrame.Z) then zDif = -SPEED end end local test = + xDif, script.Parent.CFrame.Y, script.Parent.CFrame.Z + zDif) pTest.CFrame = test if move then script.Parent.Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(point(pTest, v.Character.Torso)) local oldposset = false --Unstuck for a,b in pairs(script.Parent:GetTouchingParts()) do if b.Size.X < 200 and b~=script.Parent and b~=script.Parent.Parent.Face then -- Make sure it's not the floor if oldpos~=nil and b.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")==nil and b.Name~="Handle" and b.Name~="Face" and b.Name~="Blood" then oldposset = true script.Parent.Parent:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(oldpos) end end if b.Name=="Handle" then b = b.Parent end if oldposset == false and b.Name~="Face" and b.Name~="Blood" then touched(b) end end end end end end end end end

works if i dont publish it.

Why are you trying to wait 0 seconds on line 57, at that point why even wait at all User#19524 175 — 5y

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