How can I make an elevator that doesn't move but teleport you after closing the door?
Example: I walk into the elevator, press a button, the door closes and the door from the second floor closes as well. And I and other players teleport to the second floor after 4 seconds.
Type of door: A door like the ones from SCP: Containment Breach. Which means that there are a front and a back parts of the door. The front part of the door slide to the left and back part of the door slides to the right.
I have already made myself a model of the elevator, the button, and the door. I just need help to make a script so the elevator actually works.
If you need more information, then just ask me. Any help would be appreciated :)
Hi Oli!
I had that question too and somebody told me you can use this site named CFframe
Or you can go see in the Lua Document for more information. I hope this was useful!