A game where you can push yourself up and then float there (in heaven)
How does my person do it, I've seen my person do it before in other games.
there are two ways to answer this astronomically challenging question; few actually understand such complicated and experienced scripting:
wait(1) local bodyforce = Instance.new("BodyForce", script.Parent.HumanoidRootPart) bodyforce.Force = Vector3.new(0,1000000,0)
its 3 lines! how challenging! congrats if u understand!
that was the code to go to heaven but not go back to earth: place in StarterCharacterScripts
wait(1) script.Parent.Humanoid.HipHeight = 10
its also 3 lines! how challenging! congrats if u understand!
that was the code to go to not go to heaven but not go back to earth: place in StarterCharacterScripts