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Why do not the data load correctly? [SOLVED]

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

function inputDataToPlayer(player, dataTable) if dataTable ~= nil then for alldata,currentdata in pairs (dataTable) do local Part = game.ServerStorage.Part:Clone() Part.Parent = game.Workspace.PlayerBase.Objects Part.Name = (currentdata["Name"]) Part.Position = ( currentdata["PositionX"],currentdata["PositionY"],currentdata["PositionZ"])) Part.BrickColor = (["Color"]))) Part.Material = (string.sub(currentdata["Material"],15,-1)) print (string.sub(currentdata["Material"],15,-1)) end end

I fixed it!

for some reason i cant create a Vector3 out of one Position Value i have to use PositionX,Y and Z

When you do variable = 1, 2, 3. The '2, 3' are discarded, and variable is assigned to 1. User#19524 175 — 5y
just use vector3 and color3 values for color and position theking48989987 2147 — 5y
You cannot store userdata in data stores. Or maybe not directly, however I don't think you can at all User#19524 175 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
Leamir 3138 Moderation Voter Community Moderator
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Hello again, MageMasterHD!

You don't need to do nothing with the datas(if you didn't changed the script)

function inputDataToPlayer(player, dataTable)
    if dataTable ~= nil then

    for data,currentdata in pairs (dataTable) do
        local Part = game.ServerStorage.Part:Clone()
        Part.Parent = game.Workspace.PlayerBase.Objects
        Part.Name = currentdata[data]["Name"] --This is a String
        Part.Position = currentdata[data]["Position"] --This is a Vector3
        Part.Color = currentdata[data]["Color"] --This is a Color3
        Part.Material = currentdata[data]["Material"] --This is a Material


You also forgot to add the index...

Next question, please add all the scripts related to it, like the data saving one

Good Luck with your games

it tells me (Vector3 expected, got string) MageMasterHD 261 — 5y

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