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How should I approach replicating a damage remote securely?

Asked by 5 years ago

I'm trying to make a punch script and I'm handling the OnTouched event in Localscript (this whole script is a localscript). Yes, I want to deal damage, but at the same time make the RemoteEvent secure and as server-sided as possible so exploiters cannot manipulate it. I cannot think of a way to do it, however.

            local punchConnection
            punchConnection = LeftHand.Touched:Connect(function(interacted)
                -- Punch Variables were placed in an event to randomize them more. --
                local PunchDamage_Range = math.random(4, 8) -- Randomized Range of Damages for Punch.
                local PunchCritical = math.random() -- Chance of Critical Hit if Player hits another Player in the Head.
                local interactedHumanoid = interacted:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') or interacted.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
                if interactedHumanoid ~= nil and interactedHumanoid ~= Humanoid and not Hit and Punching then
                    Hit = true
                    if interacted.Name == 'Head' and PunchCritical >= 0.85 then
                        -- N/A
                        -- Line where I want to do damage
                    Hit = false

Any ideas? If so, please help, thanks!

Handle damage on the server and play animations on the client User#19524 175 — 5y
I'm sorry, can you be a bit explicit in terms of my issue? GraphicsSettings 0 — 5y
I'm gonna assume that youre gonna deal damage by having an event fired like: damageEvent:FireServer(PunchDamage_Range), what the person meant above is that make the calculations within a server script that would handle receiving the client request. There are many exploit problems with your script such as an exploiter firing off an event with the parameters of random players, but you can find a way Marmalados 193 — 5y
That's the issue I'm trying to avoid, a remote that can be fired off on players and the damage argument can be changed. Would I have to handle the OnTouched event on a server script? GraphicsSettings 0 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago

First of all, do NOT calculate the damage client sided. This opens up the possibility of sending any number of damage to the server for exploiters (insta kill, .etc).

Second of all, your best possibility is probably to do distance (so they cant do it from anywhere) and time (so exploiters cant rapid fire punch).

so basically first we need to define max distance, wait time and if the target actually has a humanoid!

local maxDistance = 10 --Change this to what you want (I have 10 as a generally good number)
local waitTime = 1 --Wait one second before able to hit again
local tHum = target:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

Now theres many ways you can register the players last hit time but I like to use a table in my preference:

local lastHitTime = {} --We're going to create a dictionary for the players so its easily accessible

Now we need to go serverside.

First we need to check the target exists, work out distance then check time

To work out distance

local distance = (player.Position - target.Position).magnitude

Magnitude gives us the distance in studs between the target and the player.

we then check if its too far or not:

if distance <= maxDistance and tHum then

What we have so far:

local maxDistance = 10 --Change this to what you want (I have 10 as a generally good number)
local waitTime = 1 --Wait one second before able to hit again
local lastHitTime = {} --We're going to create a dictionary for the players so its easily accessible

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, target)
    local distance = (player.Position - target.Position).magnitude
    if distance <= maxDistance and tHum then


Now we need to check the last time they hit, for this we'll use roblox's tick() this tells us how many seconds have passed since the UNIX epoch

if lastHitTime[player.Name] then --If they've never hit before they won't have a last hit time
            if tick()-lastHitTime[player.Name] >= waitTime then
                tHum:TakeDamage(math.random(4, 8)) --we'll just move the math random here for ease
                lastHitTime[player.Name] = tick() --we need to update the lastHitTime
            tHum:TakeDamage(math.random(4, 8)) --we'll just move the math random here for ease
            lastHitTime[player.Name] = tick() --we need to update the lastHitTime

And now the whole thing:

local maxDistance = 10 --Change this to what you want (I have 10 as a generally good number)
local waitTime = 1 --Wait one second before able to hit again
local lastHitTime = {} --We're going to create a dictionary for the players so its easily accessible

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, target)
    local distance = (player.Position - target.Position).magnitude
    local tHum = target:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
    if distance <= maxDistance then
        if lastHitTime[player.Name] then --If they've never hit before they won't have a last hit time
            if tick()-lastHitTime[player.Name] >= waitTime then
                tHum:TakeDamage(math.random(4, 8)) --we'll just move the math random here for ease
                lastHitTime[player.Name] = tick() --we need to update the lastHitTime
            tHum:TakeDamage(math.random(4, 8)) --we'll just move the math random here for ease
            lastHitTime[player.Name] = tick() --we need to update the lastHitTime

Hope this helps! feel free to contact me if you need more help!

Modify this to include your critical and other stuff, this should provide a suitable frame though i hope! Potatofoox 129 — 5y
lol potato he just wanted a free script iuclds 720 — 4y

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