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Is a cross-server chat possible?

Asked by
trecept 367 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

Not looking for a script but just information on what types of functions or things I could use or learn to be able to make a cross server chat. I'm making a game with 1 player servers and I want to be able to script a chat where players can chat with other players in different servers, basically a chat that everyone in the game is in. Is this possible?

Yes, I think you'll have to use HTTPService(on popular games is impossible) and use the service to send the messages between the games, so, yes is possible Leamir 3138 — 6y
@Leamir, wouldn't that require a domain or server which sometimes costs? ROBLOX blocks all HTTP requests to roblox domains proIua 32 — 6y
You can use free servers such as longpolling which connects roblox to npm / node, theres a free module proIua 32 — 6y
This is a good question. Upvote this, people User#19524 175 — 6y
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ok @incapaz DaCrazyDev 444 — 6y
Datastores are also an option but you would likely have a lot of delay between each send. I made a skeleton of one once, it usually has a 5-10 second delay. climethestair 1663 — 6y
^ Exactly what I was thinking. Still doing a few more tests. DaCrazyDev 444 — 6y
Also Roblox is releasing universe wide scripts at some point (was delayed), those might also provide some new methods. climethestair 1663 — 6y
Wow that's so much later. I'm still waiting for full user generated catalog sigh DaCrazyDev 444 — 6y
@proIua no, I think you can simply use the website IP, as an IP is a Url, just not a custom one and I'm not saying that you can use a simple roblox page, you'll need to know something about coding websites Leamir 3138 — 6y
Also, don't forget Roblox limits data usage... Leamir 3138 — 6y
HTTP has better access time, but more restrictive limits than the Roblox Datastore. climethestair 1663 — 6y
@Leamir it does limit data usage, but you can create a cache DaCrazyDev 444 — 6y
I've seen it in games before so it is possible. Idk about how tho TheEpicObbyCreator 32 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by
SuperPuiu 497 Moderation Voter
3 years ago

You can use MessagingService

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Answered by 6 years ago

This would actually be something quite simple to do. You can upload each players message to a server using HTTP service. Then, on the receiving game, you would load the string from pastebin. You could then display the message in a UI. I hope this helps

Pastebin API requests are limited. Sonnenroboter 336 — 5y
Currently, the only possible ways of cross-communication are through data stores or using web requests. Although, both of these methods have limitations to how much you can use them. HttpService 4 has a higher amount of requests you are limited to, however this would require you to have your own domain or website that it interacts with. However, with both of these methods come with delays. NotFrindow 346 — 5y

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