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My Kick GUI isn't kicking players like it is supposed to, Please help if you can :) (?)

Asked by 5 years ago

Hello, I've been programming a simple kick GUI, so when you click 'Kick' it'll get the players name from a text box in the GUI and the reason of the kick, but it doesn't kick me when I test it.

The script is a Local Script not server side.

Here it is:

-- // Script Written by: DevCadenator
-- // Script title: Basic Kick Script, 29/10/2018 (DD/MM/YY)
-- // Notice: None

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()-- When the player clicks on the button it will run the function below.
    -- Varibles --
    local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.Parent.KickValue.Text) -- The player to kick.
    local reason = script.Parent.Parent.KickValue2.Text -- The reason that the Admin entered.
    -- Primary Script --
    if player == nil then -- Checks if the player doesn't exist.
        warn("Player - " .. script.Parent.Parent.KickValue.Text " does not exist!") -- Sends a warning to the console that the player doesn't exist.
    else -- If the player exists then the code will continue below, else it will stop.
        if reason == "Reason" then -- Checks if the Admin didn't write a reason.
            print("No reason provided for " .. player.Name .. " kick.") -- Prints to console saying that there is no reason provided for the kick.
        player:Kick("No reason provided") -- Kicks the player with the text saying "No reason provided"
        else -- If the reason isn't blank then it will continue to run the code below.
            print("Checking permission level to kick " .. player.Name .. " for " .. reason) -- Prints to the console that administrator.
            wait(0.1) -- Puts a wait time in-between when a string is printed to console and when the player is kicked.
            player:Kick(reason) -- Kicks the player for the reason.
            print(player.Name .. " has been kicked for: " .. reason) -- Prints to console that a player has been kicked and for what reason.
    -- End of Script --
end) -- This will end the function. 

--- Script created for - The Queens Hotel ---

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Could you get rid of all those comments LOL greatneil80 2647 — 5y
^ comments are helpful wym User#22604 1 — 5y
But over-commenting code is a code smell User#19524 175 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago


The Kick action is available only through the Server. So to fix this use Remotes

Handle all the GUI on the client side, and then have it fire a remote to signal the server to kick the player. As an example:


    game.ReplicatedStorage.kickEvent:FireServer(KickValue.Text, KickValue2.Text)


game.ReplicatedStorage.kickEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, KickValue, KickValue2)

Keep in mind this is just example code, I can not provide you with an entire script. If you need help with anything, just comment below this.

I'm confused where to put things, Starnamics 24 — 5y
The Kick method can be done from the client, but clients can only kick themselves. User#19524 175 — 5y
Oh. Starnamics 24 — 5y
you really don't want to let any player kick anyone through a remote event User#22604 1 — 5y
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Oh, It's for an admin pannel lol. Starnamics 24 — 5y
I've done what you said, but it still isn't working. Starnamics 24 — 5y
I'm not getting any errors in studio though. Starnamics 24 — 5y
Just taking a quick look, this could looks like it'd work. Just a warning though. You MUST verify SERVER SIDE that this player should be able to kick other players if you don't want exploiters to kick random people. FrostTaco 90 — 5y

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