I made the title eye catching on purpose, anyway I plan on making a coin game and you have these eleven fantasy names for everyone and it only gives you it once so you don't end up having the same name as someone. "Why not just let people type an rp name?" Because I'm making the game have a feature where when you kill a player or clone yourself you capture a soul and say if my name was Arisol Xonea and I cloned myself I would capture the clones soul and make a "Arisol Spirit" which would be a ghost version of myself and it would be like an ally so not only would I have to get a auto generated name I would also have to get the similar looks as my customised character
you could use this little formula I created then just replace it with the actual player's name.
local names = {"bill", "hana","jane","max","timmie","charlie"} --game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local pickname = name[math.random(#names)] --"#name" just means "number of names" I think