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Scipt not printing table?

Asked by
iladoga 129
6 years ago

I have a script here that when fired checks if a player has a string in a table stored in a local script but I transferred it over to a server script. Basically the reason for this is that exploiters can fire any remote event and if they do they could get free items. Unless we detect if they have the item in a table. But for some reason its not working at all? it doesn't even print the table? I am so confused someone please help!

2    for i,v in ipairs(plrknifes) do
3        if knifename == v then
4            print("This script does not work at all!")
5        end
6    end
I also tried to print the table but it didnt work at all either :/ iladoga 129 — 6y
Did you pass the table as an argument? SirDerpyHerp 262 — 6y
yes iladoga 129 — 6y
try adding a else, just to test... Leamir 3138 — 6y
i have iladoga 129 — 6y

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