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how do i make a gui appear to my head then when i touch another player, it moves to his head?

Asked by 5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

so, what i'm trying to do is make a fun lil tag game but i can't figure out how to make a gui that says (it) over their head and when u touch another player it moves to their head, for better understanding

you got a (it) text over your head, i see a player, ima go over and tag him.. i tag him, the text goes from my head to his head.

Do you need help with making the gui or the script that gives the gui to another player? or both LawlR 182 — 5y
wouldn't the gui go into lighting or something? but the scripting part. A1exTatum 57 — 5y
For the script, when the player with the gui touches another player (use .Touched), change the gui's adornee to the other player's head. LawlR 182 — 5y
Use a BillboardGui and parent it to the player's character. LawlR 182 — 5y
so like script.Parent = game.Player.LocalPlayer.Character.Head? A1exTatum 57 — 5y

1 answer

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Answered by
LawlR 182
5 years ago
Edited 5 years ago

Assuming the gui is in a player's character-

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Gui = script.Parent
local GuiOwner = Gui.Parent

local Torso = GuiOwner.Torso

wait(.5) -- Waits half a second so that the person can't tag back instantly.

Torso.Touched:Connect(function(hit) -- Happens when the torso gets touched.
    if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then -- Checks if what the player touched has a humanoid.
        if Players:FindFirstChild(hit.Parent.Name) then -- Checks if it's a player.
            local NewGui = Gui:Clone() -- Clones the tag.
            NewGui.Parent = hit.Parent -- Parents the new tag to the touched player.
            NewGui.Adornee = hit.Parent.Head -- Puts the tag above the touched player's head.
            Gui:Destroy() -- Destroys the tag above the old player.

when i join game, the gui doesn't appear over my head, trying to get it where who ever joins game first is it lol.

local rs = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local Tagger = false
local Gui = rs:WaitForChild("Gui") -- Or where ever you have the gui

    if Tagger == false then
        Tagger = true -- So it only happens for the first player
        until plr.Character.Head -- Waits until the player's character is spawned and the head is found.
        Gui.Parent = plr.Character
        Gui.Adornee = plr.Character.Head

Haven't tested this out but it should work.

when i join game, the gui doesn't appear over my head, trying to get it where who ever joins game first is it lol. A1exTatum 57 — 5y
Edited my answer. LawlR 182 — 5y
line 11 has an error, ServerScriptService.Script:14: attempt to index field 'Character' (a nil value) A1exTatum 57 — 5y
Okay, try changing it to just plr.Character. LawlR 182 — 5y
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Torso is not a valid member of DataModel (assuming its from the top script) another error A1exTatum 57 — 5y
Did the player die? Are you using R15 or R6? LawlR 182 — 5y
using r15, should i switch to r6? A1exTatum 57 — 5y
still gives me the error when i test the game. and no, the player didn't die, it just randomly showed up A1exTatum 57 — 5y
? A1exTatum 57 — 5y
If you're using R15, change Torso to UpperTorso or LowerTorso. If that doesn't fix it then I'm not sure. LawlR 182 — 5y
alr, i'll see if anyone knows about the error. thanks for the help. A1exTatum 57 — 5y

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